Monday, March 24, 2014

Golden Rice:  Pros/Cons

Please copy and paste your summary of Golden Rice under the comment section and then reply to two of your classmate's responses.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I believe that golden rice is beneficial because it has 20x more beta-carotene Than normal rice,It can potentially combat malnutrition, Its Said to costs less, a single bowl of golden rice is 60% your daily Vitamin A supplement and there are No apparent substantial environmental risk involved. so that is why i believe that golden rice is beneficial.

    1. good usage of words I agree with you completely on your opinion.

  3. In my personal opinion I strongly believe that golden rice is very helpful and beneficial for people who need beta carotene. Beta carotene is a gene in carrots that they place in rice to produce the golden rice. Golden rice can save hundreds of thousands of lives. People in other countries could use this product to help with hunger problems and diseases you get from not eating food that is healthy or just having a poor diet. If this can help people than do what you can to help people.

    1. I agree with you. I think people (especially Americans) don't think about the third world countries that can't just go out and get medicine or see a doctor if they don't feel well. Most of their health issues are related to poor nutrition

    2. very well put.

    3. Very true Good workk!!!!!

  4. While Golden Rice is a great idea, and not to mention cheap to grow; it has its flaws. When Golden Rice was created, they did not think about the fact that it is a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) so there are going to be people/organizations out there protesting against it. Golden rice has the potential to improve life for millions around the world. This being said, it has cause Rice farmers all over to start growing more Golden Rice than any other form of rice, because who wouldn't want to grow more of what rakes in the cash? What they don’t think about is all of the companies out there who once gave them grants, will no longer fund their farms due to the fact that Golden Rice is a GMO. It is going to take a while for it to sink in that some countries lacking in certain nutritional values, are going to require genetically modified foods.

  5. I believe golden rice great because it is helpful for people who need beta-carotene golden rice saves thousands of lives People in other countries could use this product to help with hunger problems and diseases you get from not eating food that is healthy or just having a poor diet. If this can help people than do what you can to help people.

  6. My opinion is that there are good things and there are bad things so what can we do to be able to help the people out that is wrong with the golden rice. The things that they put in there is really bad for the environment. So there is a organization that is protesting people that have GMO in their crops thats is not what they like so other people will not want that in the grounds for growing. They golden rice is good for peole but they can hurt them to hear are so examples of good things that are for the golden rice.
    good for the people to eat
    people don't get enough vitamins to eat in africa and Asia.
    Things that are bad for the golden rice
    birth defect
    sometimes death
    cost a lot of money

  7. Here are some reasons why golden rice is effective, first the golden rise has vitamin a, like carrots yellow inspaurm the green part of it is what you suppost to eat

    Also yellow singals the present of beta caratein, the sourse of vitimin a they have been looking for rise that is yellow the normal white rise dosnt have this vitimins and it is a huge problem when kids and adults dont have this vitimins there could be harmed for the rest of the life it can cause blinness and dealth.

    with out having these vitamins could cause blidness and dealth so its very important for you thats why most parents tell there kids that carrots are good for you.

  8. I think golden rice is a good idea because it will help the people in need for beta carotene so they don't suffer from blindness.It would also help the drought of no food and give more people jobs to do.

  9. I think that it is good because it can help kids in countries that don't have a lot of money get the vitamin A that they need.
