Monday, March 24, 2014

Golden Rice:  Pros/Cons

Please copy and paste your summary of Golden Rice under the comment section and then reply to two of your classmate's responses.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Supersize Me:  Not

Please post a blog response to the following: After watching the video and answering the questions, what is you opinion on how Americans eat?  Please take into consideration the following:

1 in 4 Americans are obese.  
1 in 4 children today will grow up to have Type 2 Diabetes
The cost of corn has fallen by 75%
The cost of fresh vegetables and fruit has risen by 75%

Friday, February 28, 2014

Gattica final thoughts:

One of my favorite pieces of the movie Gattica is that although for much of the movie, the human population of genetically altered people seem to be perfect in all ways except that they lack emotion and feelings.  At the end of the video we find that this isn't necessarily true.  Some individuals did feel love, compassion and were sympathetic and helpful to those termed "de-generates".  

1. Can you give two to three examples of ways that the people around Vincent helped him achieve his dream and resisted a "genoism".

2.  Please respond to at least two other people's opinions. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

Daily Blog #3

The video above is very anti-GMO.  This is an example of a biased video, meaning that it has an objective to show one side of an issue.  (Most advertisements are biased - it isn't wrong as long as you know that it is only showing one side and is factual.)

1.Please watch the video.

2. Identify at least five examples that give a strong argument for why GMOs are bad for our health and the planet.  

3.Explain these points in summary form.   

4. Post your response on our Daily Blog. (You will then be asked to respond to at least one other person's comment.)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Daily Blog #2

Please watch the video below

Please explain the differences between how plants were modified thousands of years ago vs. how they can now be genetically modified.  

Please include an opinion of what you think of this.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Daily Blog #1

Please listen to the following report and post your opinion to this blog.  Please decide if you support genetic modifications, if it is worth the risk please support your answer why.  If you think that it is not worth the risk, please give evidence for your opinion.